Why Choose PNG over LPG?

At the present time, there are various options available for cooking. As cooking is an everyday chore, we must thoughtfully choose the medium on which we will cook. Because as much as cooking the right way is linked to our health, it is also linked to the environment. Two of the primary cooking options are PNG and LPG.
Everybody wants their gas stoves to work for a longer period of time and one which is pocket friendly. Hence, if you are thinking of investing in a new gas stove, this blog will give you a better understanding of the major difference between PNG and LPG.
What is LPG?
LPG stands for Liquified Petroleum Gas. LPG is a flammable gas composed of hydrocarbon gasses that are used for various purposes like vehicle fuel, heating things, and cooking.
If we talk about the composition of LPG, it consists of 48% propane, 50% butane and 2% pentene. The calorific value of LPG is 46-51 MJ/Kg and the energy density is 26 MJ/Kg, which when compared to other fuels like petrol is less. LPG also evaporates quickly in the air due to the boiling point being nearly zero degrees celsius. Another point to note about LPG is that it does not cause water or ground pollution. However, it does cause air pollution.
What is PNG?
The full form of PNG is Piped Natural Gas. To understand PNG, first of all, we need to know about Natural gas and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). Natural Gas is made of hydrocarbons and mainly methane. The natural calorific value is 42-55 MJ/Kg and has an energy density of 9MJ/L. When compared with other gas, natural gas is less toxic than others. Even when it is burned it emits less toxic waste and toxins when burned. Since PNG is lighter as compared to air, in case of any leakage, it mixes easily with the gas and reduces the probability of any severe accident.
Now that we have a basic understanding of LPG and PNG, let us find out which is a better option for the kitchens. Here is a list of benefits if you choose PNG over LPG.
1. Uninterrupted Supply
PNG can be supplied to your home non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. You don’t need to worry about getting your LPG cylinder filled and keeping the tap on the dates when it might finish.
2. Availability
PNG is available continuously once you get a connection whereas the availability of LPG cylinders depends on the stock. PNG will be supplied to you through a pipeline and you can use it when you want it.
3. Safety
PNG is a very safe option. The pressure of PNG is around 21 millibar which is 200 times less than the usual gas supplied through cylinders. Natural gas is lighter than air, and when there is any sort of leakage, it gets mixed with the air instantly and evaporates in the air. On the other hand, LPG is heavier than air and during leakage, it settles down in the surroundings. This increases the chances of a fire from the cylinder.
The safety valves and pressure regulators used in pipelines at fixed intervals are there for safety purposes. These pipelines have control and inspection devices that keep a close check on the PNG flow. There are negligible chances of leakage of gas as the pipe has minimal holes.
Undoubtedly, PNG is safer than LPG.
4. Gas Booking
If you opt for PNG, then once you get the gas connection you are free from the monthly fuss of booking gas and waiting for the cylinder. The gas is 24×7 available whenever you turn on your stove.
5. Trustworthy
Just the way our electricity is metered, PNG is also metered. Hence, there is no chance of any tampering. While with LPG there are chances of tampering and there have been many instances where customers get less weight LPG cylinders
6. Space
LPG cylinder occupies great space in the kitchen. Whereas when it comes to PNG, only the pipe occupies space in the kitchen which is close to negligible.
7. Payment
When you use PNG, you only pay for what you consume. But in LPG, you will never be able to use the entire gas, as there is always some amount of gas left in the CNG.
8. Economical
These are the benefits of using PNG over LPG. We must choose our cooking stove very wisely as we cook on it daily. If you are looking for a seamless cooking experience, choose PNG. If you are looking for a PNG connection you can reach out to us and we will get in touch with you.
If we compare PNG with LPG, then PNG is definitely pocket friendly.