Natural gas, TheNatural Choice in India’s decarbonisation journey.

Natural gas has been gaining acceptance as a key alternative fuel to support energy transition. While renewable energy too is gaining momentum, its supply is highly dependent on weather conditions. When it comes to global energy, natural gas is believed to be one of the mainstays. It is an ideal replacement for more polluting fuels as it is known to improve air quality and limit emissions of carbon dioxide.
IOAGPL with its Compressed Natural Gas and Piped Natural Gas infrastructure is supporting India’s efforts to transform into a gas-based economy’. India has set a target to increase the share of gas in its energy mix from 6% in 2021 to 15% by 2030. IOAGPL is poised to make this vision a reality for India.
Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, India has committed to reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity of its GDP by 33-35 per cent by 2030, relative to 2005. However, coal has always dominated India’s energy mix but now there is a demand for cleaner, cost-efficient sources of energy is on the rise. Since the combustion of natural gas emits half as much carbon as coal, CNG and PNG are 50% more eco-friendly than fossil-fuel based energy solutions. Also, they cost almost 40% lesser than petrol and diesel.
At IOAGPL we are committed to increase the role that natural gas plays in the country’s energy mix and play our part in India’s decarbonisation journey. We aim to align ourselves with India’s objectives and ensure that our country is successful in achieving them.
In our mission to make Natural Gas #TheNaturalChoice, we regularly conduct drives to spread awareness about the benefits of CNG and PNG in our GAs. Given the fact that the market in India is still in its nascent stage, such drives prove to be effective in meeting our objective of making Natural Gas, #TheNaturalChoice.
IOAGPL has 19 GAs and has been successful in building a strong infrastructure. IOAGPL has 216 CNG Stations and a piped network of 3800+ kms. As we continue to build a stronger and greener tomorrow, let us strive to make a more conscious choices that are better for People, Planet and Progress.