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September 12, 2022
How to detect a Gas Leakage in a PNG pipeline.

Eyes, ears and nose: The three senses that will help you detect a natural gas leak.
- Rapid bubbling in standing water
- Unusual dead vegetation in an otherwise moist area over or near pipeline
- Appliances’ flame behaving in an unusual way
- Mist of ice
- Hissing, whistling or blowing sound from a gas appliance, the ground or exposed gas piping
- Smell
If you detect any of these signs, do not panic. Call 1800 2335 5666.
Do not worry: Natural gas is non-toxic and is lighter than air; if it escapes, it will rise and dissipate.
In case of a natural gas leak Inside your home
- Leave the premise immediately on foot
- Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark
- Move to a safe location and call IOAGPL on 1800 2335 5666
- Do not use e-mail or the Internet to contact IOAGPL about a leak
- Never assume someone else has reported the leak
- Alert your neighbours.
- Never try to repair a natural gas leak on your own. Let our trained technician help you
- We do not charge any fees for checking suspected natural gas leaks
In case of a natural gas leak Outside your home
- Leave the premise immediately on foot
- Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark
- Move to a safe location and call IOAGPL on 1800 2335 5666
- Move in a upwind direction, away from the leak or vapour cloud
- Warn others to stay away from the leak
- Ensure no one is operating any equipment or machinery around the pipeline
- Extinguish all smoking materials
- Make sure there are no vehicles parked around the area. If there are any vehicles, please contact the owners and let them know