Domestic PNG

Q: As a domestic fuel, is Piped Natural Gas better than LPG?
A: Piped Natural Gas (PNG) is undoubtedly a better, superior and safer fuel for your kitchen than LPG. PNG gives you the advantage of an uninterrupted supply, saves you from the effort of booking a refill or changing cylinders, and helps you enjoy more kitchen space, as it reaches you through pipelines. Moreover the invoicing is done for the exact quantity of PNG utilised by the customer as per the meter reading and hence there no residual gas/un-utilized gas billed to the users.
Q: Is the supply of PNG regular?
A: PNG is supplied through a network of underground pipeline network. The same is monitored through well laid out system which ensures uninterruptable supplies to customers at all time.
Q: What changes are required for conversion of an LPG appliance to a PNG-friendly appliance? Is any change in the burner needed?
A: To convert an existing LPG appliance to run on PNG, the jet of the burner needs to be changed, which done by trained technicians of gas company or gas equipment supplier. Once done, the cooking appliance can work on PNG smoothly.
Q: What will happen to the LPG cylinders after the cooking appliance gets converted to PNG?
A: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has allowed PNG connection holders to keep one LPG connection in their household notification has been issued vide G.S.R. No. 781 (E) dated 16.12.2013. Alternatively, PNG customers can surrender the LPG connection to the OMC
Q: What is the system of invoicing?
A: Invoicing is based on the meter readings taken periodically by the authorised staff of the company. The invoice is then prepared and delivered to the customer’s registered billing address and/or through email once in two months.
Q:How are customer queries and complaints attended to?
A: Customer can contact at the mentioned customer care Nos for any queries for the agencies gas leakage etc. Customer can call at emergency No:
Company provides round-the-clock customer support through engineers and trained technicians located at various control rooms.
Q: Where can I inform in case I am not going to be using gas for a long duration?
A: There is a provision of temporary disconnection and reconnection of PNG service to take care of non- usage of gas for long durations. This ensures better safety and prevents any leakage that may happen in case of any damage to pipeline. In this case, company also would not charge any minimum billing amount for the said duration.
It is advisable to inform our executives at our Customer Care Office or call on Customer Care Help-desk about the duration for which the gas supply is to be temporarily disconnected.
Q: What is an estimated invoice?
A: In case our executive has not been able to get a meter reading for the gas connection an estimated invoice is generated. This estimated invoice is based on the historical data of your average gas consumption. The adjustment of the amount is done in subsequent invoice when the actual meter reading has been received by us. You can also call our customer care number 1800 2335 5666 and submit the actual meter reading to revise the estimated invoice.
Q: I made my payment through drop boxes but the invoice is showing arrears, what should I do?
A: In the event invoice shows arrears / pending payment while you have made the payment, kindly send us the proof of the payment (copy of your Bank statement showing the debited cheque) to our offices. The invoice shall be adjusted accordingly to ensure convenience to you.
Q: What is e-Invoice?
A: You can now receive the invoice via registered e-mail Id. By opting for an e-invoice you help us in our endeavour to save the environment by reducing usage of paper.